Hi Lovelies,
I just sent this to my JGJD V.I.P.'s, but I also wanted to share this with my fans and followers here on The Fab(ricating) Life. I've been going through some life challenges lately, and being able to finally launch my newest jewelry collection is part of breaking through some of my limitations. I hope you enjoy reading this:
"First, I owe you an apology. The plan to launch the Flourish Collection in September was cancelled because I lacked the funds to finish making any jewelry, and my mental health took a nose dive. I couldn't do some basic things, like get out of bed, let alone make beautiful things or even let you know that I was struggling and to be patient with me. So, I'm very sorry that I couldn't tell you what was going on.
But, I'm doing so much better now! The core of Flourish Collection is finished and ready to beautify the world. With my struggles over the past several weeks, Flourish has developed an even deeper meaning to me.
What first inspired me to design and create this new jewelry collection were Art Nouveau peacock illustrations. Weirdly specific, right? But those beautiful designs spoke to my artist's soul and I knew that I could take this inspiration and run with it.
Later, as I was brainstorming ideas on what to name my newest collection, I stumbled upon the word flourish as a synonym of peacock. In that case , flourish meant to add an extravagant finishing touch, as in an outfit or signing one's name. But, the word flourish also means to grow, blossom and thrive where you are right now.
So, for me, the Flourish Collection is jewelry that helps remind us that we were born to overcome our sadness and suffering, and to blossom with joy and happiness right where we are, right now. The Flourish Collection is for hope and new beginnings, and to add a finishing touch to our outfits as we head out into the world."